The Crazier Units Of Measurement

1. Beard Second:
  The beard-second is a unit of length inspired by the light year, but used for extremely short distances such as those in integrated circuits. The beard-second is defined as the average length a physicist's beard grows in one second. It's been defined variously as 100 angstroms (10nm) or as a 5nm!

   It's a measurement of Twitter followers relative to celebrity Wil Wheaton. One miliwheaton equals 500 followers. Have you reached one miliwheaton?

  One Mickey per sec is the smallest resolvable unit of measurement for the speed and direction that a computer mouse pointing device is moved. It is named after Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse cartoon character.

4. Helens:
   It is used to measure beauty. Is this unit named after the Bollywood star Helen? No clues though!

5. Potrzebie:
   It is developed by Donald E Knuth. According to Knuth, one potrzebie equals 2.26473 mm.

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